Monday 5 January 2015

Where there's tea there's hope . . . . .

I think most people have finished watching this TV series.  I'm still watching up on TiVo box.  I do like to relish this series and in some respect wish I'd worked in this era.  I read the book that the series was based on many years ago. 
So I was over the moon to receive this present at Christmas - someone knows me very well.  If I'd known about these I would have bought one for my secret Santa present!!

Lesley x x

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Sorry to say Lesley, but I have never watched it! I don't watch any series because I am at work in the evenings and I already have about 60 hours of documentaries on the TiVo box to catch up with!
Great pressie though :o)
Jackie xx