Thursday 1 May 2014

Joy Fold Card!!!


I saw a  joy fold card several months ago & then when I wanted to find out how to make one I couldn’t remember it’s name.  By chance I was looking at a blog that I follow back in January & this card was featured on it.  Whilst the idea was still in my head and I could remember the name of the card I found a site where I could get the dimension for making it before I forgot.  Having taken how the dimensions for it I set about making a few samples.  It then seemed an excellent card to make at a work shop & voila!!




Saturday night I was at work so the majority of Sunday I spent in bed catching up on sleep. 

Monday was my day off so I spent the morning out with my daughter doing a bit of retail therapy which included a visit to the Range and Hobby Craft followed by a relaxing coffee.

In the afternoon I cleaned out the green house, Joe having put a sulphur candle in it to disinfect on Saturday night.  It is now ready for planting.


The seeds Emily and I planted a couple of weeks ago  are starting to germinate.   I’m really looking forward to growing my own salad stuff and a few veg this year.   I used to have a large veg plot when the children were younger but it kinda went by the by as they grew as I didn’t have enough time to look after it.  But I’ve started planning for my retirement so I’m starting with a much smaller veg plot this time along with  few salad plants in the greenhouse this year and see how that goes!!


It’s Friday tomorrow & I’m looking forward to a relaxing weekend Smile

Lesley x

1 comment:

Jackie said...

A beautiful card Lesley, although I cannot imagine why it is called "joy fold".
Have fun in the greenhouse :o)
Jackie xx