Thursday, 21 July 2016

wonderful weekend . . .

I must admit the hot weather we;ve experience of the last few days has been a bit much, thank goodness it's a bit cooler today.

We had a wonderful weekend at Woodhall Spa, it was quite busy Saturday and Sunday.  On the Saturday we listened to the Military wives choir from Connigsby sing twice,  it was lovley listening to the WW2  wartime songs and wandering through the village.  Many people that visited dressed up in clothing for the era, lovely to see people participating in the event.

Monday it was back to reality a physio appointment first thing and the having my youngest grandson from 11 on wards!!  He is now 6 months old and a little treasure.  He seems to be happy all the time smiling and laughing and making cooing type speech.  I missed all the grandchildren whilst away on my extended holiday, but he was the one who had changed so much though.  So it was lovely to have him to ourselves!!  He's following baby led weaning which is fascinating to watch and he really has got the hang of it!!  It takes a bit of time though & is a bit messy so with the weather being so good he was able to eat out side!!.  

a few more pictures from the weekend

Petwood was a bit busier than on the Friday!!!

thanks for dropping by

Lesley x

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