Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Tuesday's twitter . . .

This was the card I gave to my husband this Christmas, created at a crafting day at Spondon,  back in October.  

The last few days have been spent in the craft room creating as I've got a few cards to make for January birthdays and I've a workshop to prepare for at the end of this month .

Yesterday for the first time in ages I put washing on the line.   I hung the towels out on the washing line as it proved to be cold but a sunny day, and by jove they dried.  I just had to put them in the tumble dryer for a few moments to air them .  Today I will not be so lucky as it's overcast and miserable :( 

Pam took me out yesterday afternoon for a  couple of hours to a friends for a crafty make and take with crafting chat, coffee and cake!!

Well of to the shops in a bit and then back to bake a cake for Friday, finish of my grandson's first birthday card and then to start on another card for my daughter.

Lesley x


Nataliascraft said...

Stunning card, love the beautiful design. x

Merry said...

Beautiful card, love the scene. Sounds like some wonderful crafting time.

Tracey said...

Lovely card Lesley. Glad you enjoyed the afternoon at mine and hope you liked the make and take calendar we made. Hope to see you again soon x